At 0-0 on Sunday night I found myself running through the players on the field, trying to figure out who would take our penalties and I was not confident. How had we found ourselves in this position again? The hard work was done, we had swatted aside our rivals in the previous round, and from here on out it should have been a formality... That train of thought though is likely how we found ourselves in this position again. The hubris combined with releasing the pressure valve that winning the league so early had brought was always going to make it difficult for the team to put on the same level of performance as the previous round. That being said Rangers still should have won this tie and almost certainly should be planning for a double at the end of the season, and at 1-0 it shouldn't even have been a question. Yet somehow Rangers contrived to throw away a golden opportunity. Truth be told we should be looking at a treble. Yet for some reason, we just can't seem to do it in ...